Perry County
Sheriff's Office

Welcome to Perry County! Formed December 3, 1840, Perry County is located in central Arkansas. Perry County is 556 square miles of rural living, beautiful national forests, numerous lakes and much more. It is the home to 10,500 friendly people. The sheriff and his department take pride in working to keep this county safe and beautiful 365 days a year!

Perry County Sheriff Ricky Don Jones

A message from Sheriff Jones

As your Sheriff, I would like to welcome you to the Perry County Sheriff’s Office   website. It is our goal to be proactive and provide you with information that will enhance your knowledge of the Sheriff’s Office and improve the quality of life for the citizens of Perry County.

We hold ourselves ACCOUNTABLE to the public and to the principles of HONESTY and INTEGRITY, with the goal to INSPIRE CONFIDENCE in the Sheriff’s Office for all the citizens of Perry County. Your concern, vigilance and willingness to become involved are critical to our success and we appreciate that the citizens take an active part in the support and safety of their community and this office.

We feel the features of our website are beneficial in the process of keeping you informed.  I hope that you will take advantage of our website and as always, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us.

Core Values

Crime Tip HOTline

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